Y. Yoru Et Al. , "Dynamic energy and exergy analyses of an industrial cogeneration system," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH , vol.34, no.4, pp.345-356, 2010
Yoru, Y. Et Al. 2010. Dynamic energy and exergy analyses of an industrial cogeneration system. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH , vol.34, no.4 , 345-356.
Yoru, Y., KARAKOÇ, T. H., & Hepbasli, A., (2010). Dynamic energy and exergy analyses of an industrial cogeneration system. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH , vol.34, no.4, 345-356.
Yoru, Yilmaz, Tahir Hikmet KARAKOÇ, And Arif Hepbasli. "Dynamic energy and exergy analyses of an industrial cogeneration system," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH , vol.34, no.4, 345-356, 2010
Yoru, Yilmaz Et Al. "Dynamic energy and exergy analyses of an industrial cogeneration system." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH , vol.34, no.4, pp.345-356, 2010
Yoru, Y. KARAKOÇ, T. H. And Hepbasli, A. (2010) . "Dynamic energy and exergy analyses of an industrial cogeneration system." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH , vol.34, no.4, pp.345-356.
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