A critical evaluation on nuclear safety properties of novel heavy metal oxide glass containers for transportation and waste management in Nuclear Medicine hot labs and nuclear power plants

Tekin H. O.(Yürütücü), Issa B. A., Elshami W., Almisned G., Kılıç G., İlik E., et al.

Diğer Ülkelerden Üniversiteler Tarafından Desteklenmiş Proje, 2023 - 2024

  • Proje Türü: Diğer Ülkelerden Üniversiteler Tarafından Desteklenmiş Proje
  • Başlama Tarihi: Mayıs 2023
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Mayıs 2024

Proje Özeti

Each year, approximately 15 million containers of radioactive material are carried around the world. Radioactive materials and nuclear fuel packages are transported globally through ships, roads, planes, and railways. The transportation of all materials is controlled by efficient, safe, and reliable guidelines from mining to manufacturing, storage, and usage-transportation of radioactive material by containers used for storage and transportation to prevent any leak into the environment. Transportation of nuclear elements and radioactive materials is taken seriously and strictly according to the best guidelines developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and followed by each courtier. IAEA published 1961 the international regulation for transportation of radioactive materials with the latest revision published in 2018. The importance of this regulation is to protect the environment and humans from the radiation effect during transportation. In addition, the regulation covers routine and emergencies during transportation. The basic element of transportation is the design of the package and container, which should prevent contamination, criticality, and damage. Personnel and the public involved in transportation or on the route should be protected. The containers should be shielded to eliminate the radiation risk. The density of concrete and lead shielding made them difficult to be used in the shielding of radioactive transportation containers. This led to thinking about novel, cost-effective, light materials with chemical and physical characteristics that can be used in storage and transportation containers for Nuclear Medicine HOT labs, nuclear power plans and in other radiation facilities. The major objective of this study is to conduct some novel design and optimisation studies on high-density glass containers for nuclear waste management and source transportation purposes using advanced Monte Carlo simulation techniques through MCNPX (version 2.7.0) general-ourpose code. This research has the potential to increase our understanding of the role glass materials might play in the nuclear industry and engineering sectors.