Support for Capacity Building and Cascading Knowledge for ELT Professionals in Turkey

Ergünay O., Gün B.(Yürütücü), Yelbay Yılmaz Y., Ercan A.

Diğer Ülkelerdeki Kamu Kurumları Tarafından Desteklenmiş Proje, 2019 - 2020

  • Proje Türü: Diğer Ülkelerdeki Kamu Kurumları Tarafından Desteklenmiş Proje
  • Başlama Tarihi: Ekim 2019
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Aralık 2020

Proje Özeti

This project aims at providing support during and after the online FSM course to 25 participants from the prep programs in different universities in Turkey. This should be considered as the

second stage of the FSM online course on the Turkish context, tertiary level English teachers. Fostering reflective practice applications is another aim of the project as participants’ progress

will be continuously monitored both during and after the course period and participants will be required to reflect on their experiences during the course both in spoken and written form. By

doing so, as a result of the project, participants and teacher trainers (4 mentors from TESOL Turkey) will have experienced and/or employed reflective practices and gained deeper insight in

reflective professional development. Another aim of the project is to help establish an alumni group of English teachers who took the FSM course (AE E-teacher program courses in general) and create opportunities for them to cascade knowledge. To this end the project will end with a one-day event in seminar or workshop format where each participant will share their experience and in what ways they have implemented/ planning to implement the new knowledge in their school settings. Primary project outcome anticipated includes strengthening Turkish language teachers’ capacity to provide quality English language instruction across the country. The project will also enhance collaboration between Turkey and the United States through the participant teachers and teacher trainers.

With respect to the participant teachers, upon successful completion of the course, teachers are expected to

•have a deeper understanding of fostering student motivation

•increase their awareness of fostering student motivation by focusing more on specific factors

•expand their vision on the ways to foster motivation in class

•have a broader portfolio of motivational activities to be used in class

•have higher self-esteem in planning motivating lessons

•make necessary adjustments of the factors that have positive impact on language learning as well as teaching

•keep cascading the new knowledge in their school setting

•widen their networks in English language instruction.

With respect to the participant teacher trainers, they are expected to 

•employ more on reflective practices

•gain deeper insight in reflective professional development

•keep cascading the practices across the country.