A Study of the Effect of Grinding Conditions on Pyrite Flotation under Varied Reagent Schemes

Tokcan I., Gökçen H. S.

18th European Symposium on Comminution & Classification (ESCC 2024), Miskolc, Hungary, 24 - 26 June 2024, pp.144

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Miskolc
  • Country: Hungary
  • Page Numbers: pp.144
  • Eskisehir Osmangazi University Affiliated: Yes


 The flotation process plays a crucial role in separating valuable minerals from gangue, especially in the concentration of sulfide ores, where pyrite is a common gangue mineral. It is also well known that different grinding conditions may result in different flotation responses. Hence, it is essential to establish the flotation behavior of pyrite following different grinding schemes for optimizing sulfide ore processing strategies. This study investigates the effects of varying grinding conditions, specifically dry and wet grinding, on the flotation behavior of pyrite under different reagent schemes and pH values. The experimental methodology involved systematic alteration of grinding conditions and collector concentrations while maintaining a comprehensive pH spectrum. Both dry and wet grinding conditions were examined to evaluate their distinct effects on pyrite surface properties, particle size distribution, and subsequent flotation response. The study aimed to clarify the relationship between grinding conditions, pH, and collector dosage in determining the flotation behavior of pyrite, with a specific focus on conditions where no pyrite flotation response was recognized. The results obtained from this research provide valuable insights into the effect of grinding conditions to designate the pyrite flotation behavior, considering the entire pH range used in the experiments. The findings may contribute to increasing the flotation efficiency of complex sulfide ores by providing the conditions where the lowest pyrite recovery is obtained.