A Novel Delivering Agent for Bioactive Compounds: Chewing Gum

Palabıyık İ., Rasouli Pirouzian H., Konar N., Toker Ö. S.

in: Bioactive Molecules in Food, Jean-Michel Mérillon,Kishan Gopal Ramawat, Editor, Springer, London/Berlin , London, pp.1561-1596, 2019

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter / Chapter Research Book
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Publisher: Springer, London/Berlin 
  • City: London
  • Page Numbers: pp.1561-1596
  • Editors: Jean-Michel Mérillon,Kishan Gopal Ramawat, Editor
  • Eskisehir Osmangazi University Affiliated: No


Functional food concept is one of the hot topics in the food industry. In recent years, people want to consume food products having health beneficial effect as well as nutritive characteristics. Regarding functional food development, foods have also advantages and disadvantages in terms of delivering bioactive compounds due to formulation (interaction of the bioactive compound with other ingredients, calorie value provided) and production process (mechanical and thermal processes applied during production). When considering the factors restricting usage of the food products as a delivery system, chewing gum is one of the most up-and-coming products in many aspects: (i) simplicity of the formulation prevents the activity of bioactive compound by interaction, (ii) level of mechanical and thermal stresses applied during production, (iii) enabling the release of targeted molecule in a controlled and sustained manner, (iv) different consumption behavior abolishing calorie intake concern since it is only chewed without swallowing, and (v) holding time in mouth. Usage of encapsulated bioactive compounds can improve the release behavior of the functional ingredient. Mastication process and the formed matrix/structure of the chewing gum also influence the release of the bioactive compounds. The researches about improving functionality of chewing gum have indicated that chewing gum can be used as a delivery system for transporta- tion of the desired bioactive compound to body/targeted site. However, during functional chewing gum development, formulation, production process, mastica- tion process, and type/form of bioactive compounds should be considered to achieve the product with required functional properties.