Monte Carlo study of electron transport in zincblende and wurtzite InN

Akarsu M., KARAKAYA S., Aydogu S., Ozbas O.

OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, vol.5, pp.534-537, 2011 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


The influence of InN crystal symmetry (zincblende and wurtzite) on low-field and high-field electron transport is studied by the Monte Carlo method. Calculations are made using a nonparabolic effective mass energy band model. Ionized impurity, acoustic phonon, polar optical phonon, intervalley and dislocation scattering are included in the simulation. It is found that at a field of 35 kV/cm that the peak electron drift velocity is 4.2x10(7) cm/s for the zincblende InN. The peak velocity is about 20% higher in wurtzite InN (5.1x10(7) versus 4.2x10(7) cm/s) and reaches at a field of 25 kV/cm.