Evaluation of the effect of mechanical damage of seeds at different seed ages on faba bean (Vicia faba L.) seedling development and disease

Çavuşoğlu A., Ünal F., Özer Uyar G. E.

International Journal of Research in Agronomy, vol.7, no.4, pp.750-753, 2024 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


Mechanical injury can significantly cause losses in both the quality and quantity of the legume plants at the 

germination stage by affecting the stage directly or indirectly causing a pathogen attack. The objective of 

this research was to determine the mechanical injury effect on seedling development and visible disease on 

Vicia faba L. seeds at different seed ages. The germination and seedling experiments were conducted using 

one and two years old faba bean seeds with or without mechanical damage: [1) Non-injured 1-year-old 

seeds, 2) Mechanically injured 1-year-old seeds, 3) Non-injured 2-years old seeds, 4) Mechanically injured 

2-years-old seeds] under climatic growth chamber. The trials were conducted a using completely 

randomized design with three replicates. End of the study, the results were obtained about seedling 

emergence ratio, seedling emergence time, seedling ratio, root and shoot length of the seedling, diseased 

seed, and seedling ratio. Faba bean seedling emergence time, seedling ratio, root length of the seedlings 

and diseased seed-seedling ratio were affected by mechanical injury and age. One-year old non-injured 

seeds showed a higher seedling rate than the other treatments. One-year-old injured seeds showed the 

shortest emergence time, and the highest diseased seed-seedling ratio. Two-year old seedlings from 

mechanically injured-seeds showed the least root length and disease ratio. This study made us think that the 

pathogen load may be higher in younger seeds.