Geotechnical and geological reconnaissance observations of the 6 February 2023 Türkiye earthquakes

Moss R. E., ALTUNEL E., Bassal P., Bray J. D., Buckreis T. E., ÇETİN K. Ö., ...More

Earthquake Spectra, 2024 (SCI-Expanded) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Doi Number: 10.1177/87552930241281007
  • Journal Name: Earthquake Spectra
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus, PASCAL, Aerospace Database, Communication Abstracts, Compendex, Geobase, Metadex, Civil Engineering Abstracts
  • Keywords: earth dam, fault rupture, foundation failure, Ground failure, lateral spreading, liquefaction
  • Eskisehir Osmangazi University Affiliated: Yes


The 6 February 2023 Türkiye earthquakes and the accompanying aftershocks were a once-in-a-century catastrophe that has greatly impacted Türkiye and Syria. The repercussions of these events will have a lasting effect on the entire region. This article documents the geotechnical and geological observations performed by GEER (Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance) immediately following the events. Observations of ground damage, including surface fault rupture, liquefaction and lateral spreading, landslides and rock falls, and foundation failure of buildings, dams, and other civil infrastructure, are described herein. This article summarizes the key findings that were originally reported in the joint GEER-EERI (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute) reconnaissance report. The goal of these reconnaissance efforts is to document perishable data and disseminate it widely so that lessons can be learned from these events.