Osmangazi Journal of Educational Research (OJER), vol.9, no.1, pp.27-48, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Abstract. Effective study attitudeis one of the most important components of the learning process.
This study aims to develop the Effective Studying Attitude Scale for high school students and to
determine whether school burnout predicts their effective studying. In the scale development study,
Explanatory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses were performed with the data obtained from 368
high school students [182 girls and 186 boys, aged between 14-19]. The factor analysis showed that
the scale consists of three factors[Belief in the Value of Learning and Persistence in Learning; Time
Planning and Application in Learning and Flow in Learning]. The variance explained by the three
factors is 55%. Fit indexes obtained from the CFA showed that the model fit the data at a good level
[χ2/df=1.5, RMSEA=0.05, CFI=0.98, NNFI=0.97, IFI=0.98, GFI=0.92, NFI=0.94, SRMR=.05].
The reliability coefficients for the factors of the scale range between .72 -.84. Whereas the effective
study attitude is negatively predicted by the "loss of interest in school", "burnout from studying,"
and "burnout from homework," it is positively predicted by the need to rest and time for fun. Based
on the findings of this study; It can be suggested that the school burnout variable should also be
taken into account in studies conducted to increase students' effective study skills.