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Turkbilig, cilt.2024, sa.47, ss.381-393, 2024 (Scopus) identifier

  • Yayın Türü: Makale / Tam Makale
  • Cilt numarası: 2024 Sayı: 47
  • Basım Tarihi: 2024
  • Doi Numarası: 10.59257/turkbilig.1507017
  • Dergi Adı: Turkbilig
  • Derginin Tarandığı İndeksler: Scopus, Linguistic Bibliography
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.381-393
  • Anahtar Kelimeler: Kashkay Turks, Nomadic culture, novel of Yasak Sevda, Stratification system, Tradition
  • Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


Among the tribes in Iran, Qashqai Turks, known for their devotion to their traditions and customs, are known as the largest nomadic Turkish people among Iranian Turks. The literature of the Qashqai Turks, like the literature of other Turkic peoples of Iran, consists of two main branches. Although the number of wri\en literary works of the Qashqai Turks is small, the tradition of oral literature and minstrelsy is very strong. For this reason, intellectuals who a\ach importance to the Qashqai language and culture have given importance to writing permanent literary works such as stories and novels in recent years. Davud Hasanagayi Keshkuli, the author of the novel “Zolmat”, tried to preserve the culture and life of the Qashqai Turks with this work wri\en in Persian. Davud Hasanagayi Keshkuli, who has wri\en his other novels in Persian until today, named his first Turkish novel “Yasak Sevda”. Davud Hasanagayi Keshkuli described the culture and life of the Kashkay Turks in his novel “Zolmat” (Hasanagayi, 1987), which he previously wrote in Persian. With “Yasak Sevda”, the author preserves the language and culture of the Qashqai Turks and reveals the stratification system that forms the basic structures of the Qashqai Turks. In the phenomenon of socio-cultural stratification, just as khan and ilkhan are at the extreme end of the pyramid, shepherd and peasant, representing economic and political power, are at the bo\om class of the stratification. However, although he lives with his people, the chengi/gipsy or master Qashqai is the group outside the pyramid. Among the Qashqai Turks, who lead a semi-nomadic migration life, groups live together, but relations between these groups are prohibited according to tradition. Davud Hasanagayi Keshkuli wanted to express the Qashqai traditions and customs in a kind of criticism in “Yasak Sevda”. The subject of Davud Hasanagayi's works is the story of the Qashkay Turk. Sometimes it reveals the difference in strata, sometimes it opposes the superstitions and beliefs common in the province. Like other Qashqai writers, Davud Hasanagayi also a\aches importance to the concept of homeland and Turkish identity. The novel “Yasak Sevda”, which is a voluminous novel, is more than a love adventure within the framework of the traditions of the Qashqai Turks, it is an encyclopedia revealing the linguistic treasure of this great Turkish community.