Amine functionalized poly (glycidyl methacrylate) hydrogels for Congo red adsorption

Gokkus K., Bütün Şengel S., Yildirim Y., Hasanbeyoglu S., Butun V.

JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, vol.18, no.4, pp.204-214, 2023 (ESCI) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 18 Issue: 4
  • Publication Date: 2023
  • Doi Number: 10.1680/jenes.23.00025
  • Journal Indexes: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus, Academic Search Premier, Agricultural & Environmental Science Database, Applied Science & Technology Source, Compendex, Computer & Applied Sciences, Environment Index, Greenfile, INSPEC
  • Page Numbers: pp.204-214
  • Keywords: adsorption, pollution, polymers, surface modification, UN SDG 14: Life below water, UN SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation
  • Eskisehir Osmangazi University Affiliated: Yes


Dyes are one of the most common pollutants in wastewater due to their widespread use. Therefore, in order to protect aquatic ecosystems, dyes must be treated in situ and/or in vivo. In this study, we synthesized poly (glycidyl methacrylate) (PGMA) gels and then modified with diethylenetriamine (DETA) and tetraethylenepentamine (TEPA) containing different numbers and lengths amino groups to obtain PGMA-NH2 hydrogels and used in CR adsorption. The adsorption studies were carried out according to batch adsorption procedure. As a result of the study, the contact time was found 40 minutes and the highest adsorption capacity of 196 and 147 mg/g for PGMA-DETA and PGMA-TEPA was reached, respectively. Isotherm and kinetic experiments showed that adsorption obeys the Freundlich isotherm and pseudo-second-order equation. CR dye is an anionic indicator dye. These results showed that PGMA-NH2 hydrogels have significant potential for efficient adsorption of anionic dyes.