Journal of Plant Nutrition, vol.45, no.10, pp.1441-1449, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)
© 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.The effect of various amounts of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kg ha−1) on yield and quality traits of Anatolian sage (Salvia fruticosa Mill.) were investigated under Turkey’s Eskişehir ecological conditions in 2016–2018. Except essential oil content, all parameters examined in this study increased significantly with nitrogen applications. While dry leaf yield increased significantly with up to nitrogen fertilization 150 kg ha−1, essential oil yield increased up to 100 kg ha−1. On the other hand, the essential oil content decreased significantly with nitrogen applications. The main components of the essential oil were identified as 1,8-cineole (synonym: eucalyptol) followed by camphor. While the highest 1,8-cineole content (48.39%) was determined under 100 kg ha−1 nitrogen fertilizer condition, the lowest camphor content (6.88%) was determined under non-nitrogen fertilizer condition. Considering all the nitrogen applications of field trials, it can be said that while 150 kg ha−1 nitrogen fertilizer is more suitable for dry leaf yield, 100 kg ha−1 nitrogen fertilizer is more suitable for yield and compositions of essential oil.