XIth International Symposium on Apricot Culture, VERIA MAKEDONIA, Yunanistan, 25 - 30 Mayıs 1997, ss.129-133
This research was conducted to determine yield and fruit characteristics of certain dried apricot cultivars widely grown in Turkey. The pomological characteristics, sulphure content, values of LAB, quantity of total dried fruit got from fresh fruit, percentage of production, the number of dried fruit per 1 kg, etc., were examined in the Turkish dried apricot cultivars. The yield of fresh fruit was between 27.0 kg per tree (Ismailaga) and 130.0 kg per tree (Soganci), and yield of dried fruit was between 7.362 kg per tree (Ismailaga) and 34.476 kg per tree (Soganci). The highest production was determined in Kabaasi (29.80 %), in Kadioglu (29.45 %), in Adilcevaz 5 (2S.62 %), in Hacihaliloglu (28.45 %) and in Cataloglu (28.25 %). The color of the dried fruits was observed as yellow and orange in cultivars with a higher sulphure content. Sulphure contents varied from 600 ppm (Adilcevaz 2) to 1680 ppm (Ismailaga). At the end of the study, we can recommend the cultivars Hacihaliloglu, Kabaasi, Adilcevaz 5, Cataloglu and Kacdioglu for drying.