MILLI FOLKLOR, no.111, pp.171-179, 2016 (AHCI)
The recurring rituals in certain periods that affect society or a part of it through an unknown period of history on various reasons, take significant part among Turkey-centered folkloric studies. The basic forms of certain rituals, tomb and entombed Saint visits in old Turkish culture carry similar peculiarities to the related samples, referring to the answers including where and how the ritual happens. Yet, this study aims to determine the psychological, sociological and other cultural factors where the individual is included and the society he's involved through value system over mythological origins of the ritual rather than to unravel historical origins and similar peculiarities of the ritual. In this respect, the ritual that does not have a certain place in academic studies, called as 'Kasim Marquee' in mostly Kars-Igdir has been analyzed by collections and surveillances in the mentioned region, various dimensions/functions of the ritual such as structure of the ritual, historical elements/acceptations related to emergence of the ritual, the contribution of political conditions into emergence and continuity of this ritual have been determined. The meaning of different perspectives related to structure of opposition, power, culture of opposition, cultural transmission, individual and social psychology has been revealed through rite, ceremony and rituals. Similar studies will be helpful to obtain data in the phase of determining local/national policies and to comprehend social psychology in the onward process. There will be a transition from text-centered essence to sociological analysis within the scope of folkloric studies.