LIVENARCH VII livable environments & architecture, OTHER ARCHITECT/URE(S), 28 - 30 Eylül 2021, ss.217-226
In fiction, as well as non-fiction literature, architecture is an integral part of
the narrative. However, the adaptation of the narrative concept to
architecture is relatively new, and studies on architectural narrative are still
further away from central discussions. Since literature is a great source for
both central and peripheral discussions, this paper aims to unearth and
study fiction genre, including fantasy and science fiction, and analyse the
relationship between imagined spaces and "other" architectures as opposed
to built environments and the architecture of the centre. By analysing the
specified group of imagined and narrated spaces that are presented in The
Dictionary of Imaginary Places, this paper examines and presents what
these narrated spaces and other architectures can bring to the discussions
of architectural discourse; which concepts and values can be questioned,
enriched and expanded, thus create a new periphery for architects. In order
to achieve that, the places in The Dictionary of Imaginary Places are
analysed in four steps: selection and grouping of places, analyses based on
properties of texts, the relevance of narratives to architecture, and the
properties of architectural narratives. Finally, the outcomes of the analyses
are grouped into three and discussed within the context.