High sensitization to house-dust mites in patients with allergic rhinitis in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey: A retrospective study

Coskun Z. O., ÇELEBİ ERDİVANLI Ö., Kazikdas K. C., TERZİ S., ŞAHİN Ü., ÖZGÜR A., ...More

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RHINOLOGY & ALLERGY, vol.30, no.5, pp.351-355, 2016 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Objectives: Identification of the most common aeroallergens to which patients are sensitized in a specific area is important in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis (AR). We determined the distribution of aeroallergens, detected by skin-prick tests (SPT), in adult patients with AR in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey and compared the results with the other regions of Turkey and in the world.