4th International Walnut Symposium, Bordeaux, Fransa, 12 - 16 Eylül 1999, ss.515-520
This study was carried out to determine the rate of grafting success under controlled conditions of walnut in Tokat. The investigation was done in 1997-1998. In the study three different grafting seasons (January, February and March), three grafting methods (cleft, whip-tongue and chip budding) and two walnut varieties were used (Tokat and Yalova 1). Plants were grafted onto dormant seedlings and were kept to get callus formation about 25 days at 27 C degrees and 85-90 % relative humidity. The rates of highest graft-take success of Tokat variety were determined from grafts of February season with 60 % with cleft grafting, 66 % with whip-tongue grafting and 53 % with chip budding. On the other hand, the rates of highest graft-take of Yalova 1 variety were obtained from February season as being in Tokat variety with 63 % with cleft grafting, 70 % with whip-tongue grafting and 43 % with chip budding. But the survival rates of grafted plants were rather low. The best survival rate (50 %) were obtained from the chip budding of Tokat variety in March period. The lowest survival rate (22 %) was determined from whip-tongue grafting of Tokat variety in January period. The highest shoot lengths were obtained from the grafts of March period. In March grafting period, while the highest shoot length (23.99 cm) was obtained from chip budding of Tokat variety, the lowest shoot length (13.59 cm) was determined from cleft grafting of Yalova 1. When three grafting periods were appraised together, the shoot lengths of January period were lower than the other periods.