Undernutrition in the last period of lactation may have adverse effects on skeletal development

Ay H., Yücel F.

Anatomy, vol.18, no.3, pp.91-100, 2024 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 18 Issue: 3
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Doi Number: 10.2399/ana.24.1496367
  • Journal Name: Anatomy
  • Page Numbers: pp.91-100
  • Eskisehir Osmangazi University Affiliated: Yes


Objectives: Malnutrition in childhood causes permanent damage. Studies report that there are different developmental mechanisms at different stages of breastfeeding. Our study aims to observe the effects of undernutrition in the first and last weeks of lactation on body weight and skeletal development after rehabilitation until puberty, and ultimately to reveal which period of lactation is more critical.
Methods: Lactating rats were undernourished by receiving half the diet consumed by control mothers during the first (0–7th day, U1 group) or third (14–21st day, U2 group) week of lactation. Rats were weighed each week and radiographs were taken on the 21st and 49th days. All measurements were taken directly on the radiographs.
Results: On day 49, the body weight and body length of the two undernourished groups were lower than those of the controls. U2 was behind in all measurements except head, pelvic, iliac, and ischial lengths. U2 also lagged behind U1 in body, tail, spine, upper limb, and tibia lengths. While U1 did not differ from controls in many measurements, femur length, bi-iliac, bi-acetabular, and ischial width were less than controls.
Conclusion: Undernutrition in the last week of lactation affected body weight and skeletal development more than malnutrition in the first postnatal week.