JOURNAL OF BALTIC SCIENCE EDUCATION, vol.17, no.4, pp.605-619, 2018 (SSCI)
The research aims to determine the experiences and views of the science pre-service teachers on the use of the science stories. In this research, among other qualitative research types, phenomenology research was used to obtain data. The research has been carried out with 71 pre-service teachers studying in the science education program of education faculty. The data has been analyzed based on the content analysis technique. The views of the pre-service teachers on the use of stories in science courses have been categorized under 6 themes. It has been concluded that teaching science with stories shall contribute to knowledge and competencies of both teachers and students, the science courses shall become more entertaining, joyful and interesting. In addition, it has been emphasized that creativity of students shall develop in the story composition process, their imagination shall increase, they shall configure their knowledge associating it with the daily life, meaningful learning shall be ensured by concretizing mostly abstract science subjects and concepts through stories, and a learning environment to ensure memorability of knowledge shall be prepared.