TURKISH JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, vol.9, no.2, pp.297-307, 2016 (ESCI)
The aim of this study is to develop an ethical tendencies scale for educators based on ethics theories. The study is a quantitative scale-development study, and 312 volunteer education-faculty students joined in the study. From among the purposeful sampling methods, convenience sampling was used. Content and language validity were provided by following a scale-development process and receiving expert opinions. After administering the scale in order to test items' distinctiveness, item-total correlations were calculated and those less than .30 were omitted. As a result of confirmatory factor analysis the scale and theoretical model were found to show a fit between normal and perfect. To test the reliability of the scale, Cronbach's alpha. Guttman, split-half, and test-retest coefficients were calculated. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for teleological ethics was found to be .74; for deontological ethics, .67; and for virtue ethics. .73. Furthermore, the coefficients for teleological ethics were calculated as Guttman = .75, split-half = .76, and test-retest = .93; for deontological ethics, Guttman = .70, split-half = .74, and test-retest = .91; and for virtue ethics, Guttman = .71, split-half = .75, and test-retest = .90. As a result of the study, a valid and reliable ethical tendencies scale (ETS) consisting of three factors (teleological ethics, deontological ethics, and virtue ethics) has been obtained.