The Overlooked Destruction: A History of Israel’s State-Sponsored Terror and Genocide Tragedy

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Arı Y.

ULUSLARARASI DORLİON AKADEMİK SOSYAL ARAŞTIRMALAR DERGİSİ (DASAD), vol.2, no.2, pp.287-315, 2024 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


The Israeli presence in the Palestinian territories has been characterized as colonial and occupying by numerous academic studies within a historical context. The Zionist movement established the state of Israel on a disputed piece of land by forcibly displacing the indigenous Palestinian population. Although there is no specific geographic region known as "Israel," a nation-state structure has been created under this name. One of the critical cornerstones of this process is the Balfour Declaration signed by the United Kingdom in 1917, which represented an international project to provide a homeland for the Jewish people. The Israeli-Palestinian issue is a matter that extends beyond military conflicts and territorial claims, possessing deep social, cultural, and psychological dynamics. This conflict reflects the established identities, cultures, and historical understandings between the two peoples. From a sociological perspective, it is a subject requiring in-depth analysis within the frameworks of historical trauma, collective memory, identity formation, and power dynamics. Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has been focused on reinforcing its national identity, addressing security concerns, and overcoming historical Jewish traumas. The occupation of Palestinian territories is seen as a means to ensure security and has garnered broad support within Israeli society. However, this approach profoundly affects the Palestinian concepts of defending their identity and national rights. Palestinians strive to consolidate their national identity by advocating for the right to establish an independent state on their historically and culturally significant land. Territorial claims have thus become not only a physical struggle but also a battle over identities. While Palestinians endeavor to maintain their presence in the occupied territories, Israel views this occupation as a means to protect national security and enjoys substantial societal backing. Both sides advocate for their own legitimacy, which significantly impedes mutual understanding and reconciliation. The lack of trust remains a major obstacle in the resolution process, with both sides harboring deep mistrust that complicates the peace process. Historical traumas and suspicions exacerbate the difficulties in achieving the dialogue and cooperation necessary for peace. The role of the international community is crucial in resolving this complex issue. However, the power dynamics among international actors and the quest for international support by the parties involved have further complicated the situation. Regional actors also influence the complexity of the issue; for instance, some Arab countries have utilized the Palestinian cause to serve their national interests, which has negatively impacted the Palestinian struggle for independence. Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not only a political issue but also one that awaits resolution of deep social and psychological dynamics. Understanding each other, acknowledging historical traumas, and reconsidering collective identity perceptions are essential steps for achieving lasting peace. The active and constructive role of the international community and the contributions of regional actors are crucial for achieving reconciliation, not only on the ground but also in hearts and minds. This study aims to examine Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and the blockade of Gaza since 2006. It will particularly focus on the background of the human rights violations wave that began on October 7, 2023. Claims that over 1,400 civilians were killed as a result of attacks by Palestinian resistance groups have been used to justify a broad state terror campaign. During the attacks, civilian infrastructure, health centers, places of worship, schools, refugee camps, and ambulance convoys were targeted. As of May 28, 2024, nearly 40,000 deaths have occurred, with a significant proportion of women and children among the casualties. This study seeks to leverage the multifaceted perspectives offered by sociology of religion, history of religions, and other related disciplines to provide an in-depth analysis of Israel’s occupation policies and the historical dynamics in the region. This interdisciplinary approach aims to elucidate the social and cultural contexts of the issue through a comprehensive literature review and media analysis. The findings will detail the background of the human rights violations wave that began on October 7, 2023, and the impact of Israel’s disproportionate responses to Palestinian resistance attacks on civilian casualties, with particular emphasis on the significant number of deaths and the high proportion of women and children among them.