Stress-strain characteristics of fine grained soils under cyclic loading

OKUR D. V., Ansal A.

International Conference on Cyclic Behaviour of Soils and Liquefaction Phenomena, Bochum, Germany, 31 March - 02 April 2004, pp.179-186 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • Doi Number: 10.1201/9781439833452.ch23
  • City: Bochum
  • Country: Germany
  • Page Numbers: pp.179-186
  • Eskisehir Osmangazi University Affiliated: Yes


The paper presents a summary of a comprehensive study on undrained cyclic stress-strain behaviour of undisturbed, low to medium plastic fine grained soil specimens obtained from the borings conducted after the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake. Sets of cyclic triaxial tests under different stress amplitudes were conducted in order to evaluate the variation of the threshold levels between linear elastic and elasto-plastic and visco-plastic behaviour of fine grained soils. The results confirm that cyclic stress-strain behaviour may be modelled based on the plasticity index of the specimen thus an effort was made to define shear modulus degradation and damping ratio curves as well as elastic and plastic thresholds with respect to plasticity index for fine grained soils.