Relative brittleness characterization of some selected granitic building stones: Influence of mineral grain size

Yilmaz N. G., Karaca Z., Goktan R. M., Akal C.

CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.23, no.1, pp.370-375, 2009 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Being crystalline materials, brittleness may be an important issue for granitic rocks, especially when they are subject to certain loading conditions. Therefore, in practice, more specifically in their usage as a natural building stone, there is a need for their brittleness characterization. This paper reports a study carried out on some selected granitic rock types in order to determine their relative brittleness index values and relate it to their mineral grain size. For this purpose, three different types of granitic rocks similar in mineral composition, but diverse in grain sizes were selected for the execution of the study. The relative brittleness index values of the studied rock types were determined from the size effect method by using the point load test apparatus. Based on the results of this investigation it is was concluded that, rather than the proportions of the rock forming minerals such as quartz and feldspars, the grain size of feldspars could be the dominant parameter affecting relative brittleness values of the tested rocks. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.