IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Missouri, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 10 - 15 Ekim 2009, ss.5930-5931
In this study, a novel dynamic path planning approach is proposed for multi-robot sensor-based coverage considering energy capacities of the mobile robots. The environment is assumed to be narrow and partially unknown. A Generalized Voronoi diagram-based network is used for the sensor-based coverage planning due to narrow nature of the environment. On the other hand, partially unknown nature is handled with proposed dynamic re-planning approach. Initially, the robots are assumed to be at the same depot with equal initial energy capacities. In this case, an initial complete coverage route is constructed considering robot energy capacities using classical capacitated arc routing problem (CARP) approach with some minor modifications related to coverage problem. But, due to partially unknown nature, the robots may face with blockage on routes, and a fast re-planning is required which considers remaining energy capacities and current positions of the robots. So, new plan is obtained by a modifying Ulusoy's algorithm that was developed for classical CARP. The developed algorithm is coded in C++ and implemented on P3-DX mobile robots in MobileSim simulation environment.