Human health has became a topic that is required exploration and development since the existence of humanity. Many of the diseases out of during the human life and with the miscellaneous invention; solution ways were sought. Development of antibiotics and vaccines are featured inventions in this warfare. Vaccine is known as the best alternative and may be primarily preferred method. Study was conducted to determine of costs and comparison of estimates of the families. In order to investigate the prediction of family about cost and vaccine applications a survey prepared that is reached with a link to the survey on the internet and 170 people participated. According to 2013 childhood immunization schedule; 21 doses of vaccine are administered for 13 varieties of disease. While in the market price of vaccines were identified as TL1094.54 Ministry of Health vaccine price is TL320.22 for a child. Families vaccinated or have been vaccinated their 98% of children to the family physicians or health care facilities. Primarialy reasons of families to prefer primary health care as a priority are vaccines stored in safer conditions and better monitoring of the vaccination time in family physician system. When the cost of immunization that is primary of protective health services analysed significant differences between the ministry prices with the market price is present, families are not aware enough about these costs have been identified.