Case report: Ovarian torsion in inguinal canal Inguinal kanalda torsiyone over.

Değirmenci N., Ozkan I. R., Ilhan H.

Tanisal ve girişimsel radyoloji : Tibbi Görüntüleme ve Girişimsel Radyoloji Dernegi yayin organi, cilt.9, sa.3, ss.388-390, 2003 (Scopus) identifier identifier


Inguinal and scrotal hernias are two most common congenital anomalies observed by clinicians. The possibility of ovarian torsion following recurrent inguinal hernia is well known. Ultrasound examination of the inguinal region of a female infant showed a spherical, enlarged ovary with multiple tiny cysts. After the diagnosis of ovarian torsion, the patient underwent oopherectomy. It is possible to diagnose inguinal emergencies by high resolution ultrasonography.