The Universal Academic Research Journal, vol.5, no.3, pp.211-231, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The aim of this study is to examine secondary school mathematics teachers’ orchestration types specific to their dynamic geometry software-based emergency remote teaching. The theoretical lens of the study is instrumental orchestration in which teachers’ teaching styles with the use of technological tools are defined as orchestration types. The study was designed as a case study whose participants were two secondary school mathematics teachers (Faruk and Ela) experienced in the use of dynamic geometry software in their face-to-face teaching processes. Semi-structured interviews and observations were performed in order to collect the data in the study. The collected data were analyzed through qualitative content analysis method. The results of the study reveal that the teachers developed two new orchestration types during the emergency remote teaching process While Faruk developed the Teacher-in-sherpa-role orchestration in which the teacher performed the operations asked by the students; both teachers performed the Screen-as-board in which they used virtual pen to draw auxiliary lines, place marks and take notes on the screen. In addition, Ela adapted the Monitor-and-guide orchestration into her teaching process, in which a student-monitoring system regarding dynamic geometry activities played an essential role. The results show that various orchestration types identified in the literature do not occur in the remote teaching processes due to their characteristics regarding the physical classroom environment. It is suggested that further studies focus to examine the orchestration types developed by mathematics teachers in the post-pandemic remote teaching processes.