Occurrence and molecular characterization of Turkish isolates of Turnip mosaic virus

Korkmaz S., Tomitaka Y., Önder S., Ohshima K.

PLANT PATHOLOGY, vol.57, no.6, pp.1155-1162, 2008 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 57 Issue: 6
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Doi Number: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2008.01902.x
  • Journal Name: PLANT PATHOLOGY
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.1155-1162
  • Keywords: Asia Minor, Brassicaceae, phylogeny, recombination, TuMV, Turkey, RECOMBINATION, POPULATIONS, SEQUENCES, LINEAGE
  • Eskisehir Osmangazi University Affiliated: Yes


A total of 142 samples of plants showing symptoms of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) were collected from fields planted to Brassicaceae and non-Brassicaceae crops in the southwest Marmora region of Turkey, during the 2004-06 growing seasons. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) TuMV was detected in the main brassica-crop fields of Turkey, with an overall incidence of 13.4%. TuMV was detected in samples from Brussels sprouts, cabbage, wild mustard, radish and wild radish, but not cauliflower or broccoli. The full-length sequences of the genomic RNAs of two biologically distinct isolates, TUR1 and TUR9, were determined. Recombination analyses showed that TUR1 was an intralineage recombinant, whereas TUR9 was a non-recombinant. Phylogenetic analyses of the Turkish isolates with those from the rest of the world showed that the TUR1 and TUR9 isolates belonged to world-Brassica and Asian-Brassica/Raphanus groups, respectively. This study showed that TuMV is widely distributed in the Asia Minor region of Turkey.