Synthesis of some 2-[(benzazole-2-yl)thioidiphenylmethylacetamide derivatives and their antimicrobial activity

Turan-Zitouni G., Kaplancikli Z., Ucucu U., Ozdemir A., Chevallet P., Tunali Y.

PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS, vol.179, no.11, pp.2183-2188, 2004 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Some 2-[(benzazole-2-yl)thio]diphenylmethylacetamide derivatives were synthesized by reacting 2-chloroacethylaminodiphenylmethane with benzazole-2-thions. The structure elucidation of the compounds was performed by IR, 1H NMR, and MS-FAB spectral data.