ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, vol.23, no.6, pp.2357-2360, 2011 (SCI-Expanded)
The oils were extracted from aerial parts of the two subspecies of Calamintha: subsp. nepeta (A, B. C) and subsp. glandulosa (D, E) using an Eppendorf Microdistiller (R). Oils were analyzed by GC/MS. Trans-piperitone oxide (44.4 %), piperitenone oxide (11.7 %) and limonene (7.1 %) were detected as main constituents in sample A; pulegone (11.9 %), menthone (11.9 %). carvacrol (10.0%) and limonene (7.5 %) were found as main constituents in sample B; trans-piperitone oxide (30.9 %), caryophyllene oxide (7.8 %) were detected as main constituents in sample C of C. nepeta subsp. nepeta oils and pulegone (19.5 %), menthone (9.7 %), caryophyllene oxide (7.9 %), trans-piperitone oxide (5.7 %) and menthol (5.0 %) were detected as main constituents in sample D; trans-piperitone oxide (34.2 %), limonene (17.3 %) and piperitenone oxide (10.8 %) were found as main constituents in sample