Eklemeli İmalat Araştırmaları Grubu, metal eklemeli imalat teknolojileri konusunda özgün çalışmalar yapmaktadır. Proses geliştirme, proses modelleme, topoloji optimizasyonu, malzeme karakterizasyonu gibi alt alanlarda faaliyet gösteren bu grup, sanayi ile ortak projeler yürütmekte, üniversite-sanayi işbirliğini başarı ile gerçekleştirmektedir. Bugüne kadar devam eden ve tamamlanan projeler aşağıda listelenmiştir:
Adı |
Türü |
Yürütücü |
Araştırmacı |
Tarihi |
120M665 Hibrit Üretimde Eklemeli Ve Talaşlı İmalat Süreçleri
Arasındaki Etkileşimin Analizi Ve İyileştirilmesi Için Yöntem Geliştirilmesi
(Hyman) |
ARDEB 1001 |
EVREN YASA (Makine Müh.) |
KORAY KILIÇAY (Makine Müh.) |
15/03/2021 15/11/2023 |
120N943 Maksillofasiyal, El ve Kbb Cerrahisi İçin Kalsiyum
Fosfat/Polimer Kompozit Kaplamalı Gözenekli Titanyum Mini Plakların Üretimi
ve Karakterizasyonu İçin Lazerle Metal Toz Ergitme Teknolojik Platformunun
Geliştirilmesi |
EVREN YASA (Makine Müh.) |
15/04/2021 |
218M717 Elektron Işını Ile Ergitme (Ebm) Prosesi Için Verimli Ve
Maliyet Etkin Süreç Döngüsünün Geliştirilmesi |
ARDEB 1003 |
EVREN YASA (Makine Müh.) |
01/02/2020 01/02/2023 |
BAP Projesi |
EVREN YASA (Makine Müh.) |
G. MEHMET AY (Makine Müh.) |
19.06.2020 19.12.2021 |
Bu alanda yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda, ortaya çıkan literatüre katkı sunan sonuçlar saygın dergilerde ve konferanslarda yayınlanmaktadır. Bu yayınlara örnek olarak aşağıdakiler verilebilir:
1. E.
Yasa, G.M. Ay, A. Türkseven, 2021, Tribological and mechanical behavior of AISI
316L lattice-supported structures produced by laser powder bed fusion, The
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, doi:
2. A.
Ozsoy, E. B. Tureyen, M. Baskan, E. Yasa, 2021, Microstructure and mechanical
properties of hybrid additive manufactured dissimilar 17-4 PH and 316L
stainless steels, Materials Today Communications, Volume 28, 2021, 102561, ISSN
2352-4928, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2021.102561.
3. A.
Ozsoy, E. Yasa, M. Keles, E. B. Tureyen, 2021, Pulsed-mode Selective Laser
Melting of 17-4 PH stainless steel: Effect of laser parameters on density and
mechanical properties, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 68, Part A,
2021, Pages 910-922, ISSN 1526-6125, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2021.06.017.
4. E.
Yasa, Ö. Poyraz, 2021, Lazerle metal toz ergitme prosesinde kalıntı
gerilmelerin mikro girinti tekniği ile incelenmesi, Gazi Üniversitesi
Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 36/2, 1029-1040. 10
5. E.
Yasa, K. Ersoy, 2019, Dimensional Accuracy and Mechanical Properties of Chopped
Carbon Reinforced Polymers Produced by Material Extrusion Additive
Manufacturing, Materials, 12,23, available at https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/12/23/3885.
6. E. Yasa, 2019, Anisotropic impact toughness of chopped carbon fiber reinforced nylon fabricated by material extrusion-based additive manufacturing, Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science and Technology A- Applied Sciences And Engineering, 20(2), pp. 195 - 203, DOI:10.18038/aubtda.498606, available at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/estubtda/issue/47408/598210
7. E. Yasa, 2021, Chapter 3 - Selective laser melting: principles and surface quality, Editor(s): Juan Pou, Antonio Riveiro, J. Paulo Davim, In Handbooks in Advanced Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, Elsevier, 2021, Pages 77-120, ISBN 9780128184110, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818411-0.00017-3.
8. E. Yasa (Ed.), M. Mhadbi, E. Santecchia(Co-Ed.s), 2020, Design and Manufacturing, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88788, ISBN: 978-1-78985-866-2, available at https://www.intechopen.com/books/design-and-manufacturing
9. E. Yasa, Ö. Poyraz, 2020, Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing of Ni-Based Superalloys: Applications, Characteristics, and Limitations, in Additive Manufacturing Applications for Metals and Composites, Eds. K.R. Balasubramanian and V. Senthilkumar, ISBN13: 9781799840541, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4054-1.
10. E. Yasa, K. Ersoy, 2018, Additive Manufacturing of Polymer Matrix Composites, in Aircraft Technology, Ed. Melih Kushan, ISBN: 978-1-78923-645-3, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.75628.
11. E.
Yasa, İ. Kandemir, İ. Atik, 2021, On the Z-Dimensional Accuracy of L-Powder Bed
Fusion, AMC Turkey 2021, 9-10 Sept, Istanbul, Turkey.
12. Ö.
Poyraz, E. Yasa, L.T. Tunç, K. Kılıçay, 2021, Parametric Simulations for
Residual Stresses and Distortions of Inconel 625 Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed
Fusion Additive Manufacturing, AMC Turkey 2021, 9-10 Sept, Istanbul, Turkey.
13. Karaşoğlu,
M., Yasa, E., Tan, E., Yağmur, A., 2021, A Comparative and Experimental Study
on the Effect of Heat Treatment Cycles for PBF Ti6Al4V, 32. Annual Int. Virtual
Solid Freeform Fabrication Synposium, 2-4 August.
14. Yasa,
E., Özsoy, A., Türeyen, E.B., 2021, The Selective Laser Melting Process
Development of 17-4 PH Stainless Steels with Pulsed-wave Lasers, 32. Annual
Int. Virtual Solid Freeform Fabrication Synposium, 2-4 August.
15. E.
Yasa, M. Karasoglu, E. Tan, B. Gümüş, E. Söylemez, K. Aktaş, 2021, An
Investigation on the Effect of Reuse and Recycling on Powder Characteristics in
Electron Beam Melting, IMMC 2021, Online Conference, 10-12 June 2021.
16. F.
Odabaşı, M. E. Önder,U. Tekin, Ö. Özgül, F. Atıl, A.K. Çulhaoğlu, E. Yasa,
2021, Biyomimetik Poröz Dental İmplant Tasarımı, İn-vivo ve İn-vitro
Değerlendirilmesi: İn-vitro Ön Sonuçlar, AÇBİD, 14th International
Online Congress, May 7-9, held online (awarded 3rd best oral
17. E.
Tan, E. Yasa, B. Gümüş, E. Söylemez, K. Aktaş, 2020, On the Use of Inherent
Strain Method for Modelling Electron Beam Melting, in EBAM 2020 3rd Int. Conf.
on Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing, 5-7 October 2020, held online.
18. B.
Kavas, E. Yasa, S. Sönmez, 2019, Characterization and Compression Testing of
Double Gyroid Lattice Structures produced by Direct Metal Laser Sintering, AMCTURKEY
Additive Manufacturing Conference, İstanbul, Turkey, 17-18 October 2019.
19. E.
Yasa, İ. Atik, İ. Bayraktar, 2019, Selective Laser Melting Process Development
for enhanced productivity with Ph 17-4 stainless steel, AMCTURKEY Additive
Manufacturing Conference, İstanbul, Turkey, 17-18 October 2019.
20. E.
Yasa, K. Ersoy, B. Koç, 2019, On the effect of unfixed process variables on
mechanical properties in Selective Laser Melting, AMCTURKEY Additive
Manufacturing Conference, İstanbul, Turkey, 17-18 October 2019.
21. A.Y.
Gürkan, M. Bursa, E. Yasa, E. Öğüt, 2019, On the optimization of metal spatter
sweeping in Selective Laser Melting, AMCTURKEY Additive Manufacturing Conference,
İstanbul, Turkey, 17-18 October 2019.